Digital Safety and Wellbeing Resource Kete and Online Workshops Bundle
We’ve created evidence-based, engaging resources, drawing on positive and pragmatic approaches, and core messages.
The resource kete also includes recommendations and links to the ‘best of’ resources from around the globe for all levels of kura.
New resources are added regularly. We also specialise in creating tailor-made resources.
Contact us for a free peep at what’s available and how they can support your tamariki, whānau, Kura and kaiako

Website content includes:
- Leaders’ Resources
- Kaiako Resources
- Whānau Resources
- Hauora and Wellbeing Resources
- Managing Online Incidents Resources
- Surveys – Students from Year 3-6; 7-8; 9-13
- Insights and Research including A.I.
- Policies and User Agreements
- Extensive range of learning resources for Secondary, Upper Primary, Lower Primary
Access to all resources and 2 x one-hour online workshops annually to support your kaiako in what they identify as important for your kura needs.
$795.00 plus GST
MoE PLD Literacy, DT Curriculum, Local Curriculum, Leadership and Wellbeing funding options may be available.
“What others have said….”

‘Special Days’ Focus

Ensuring safety and ethics in the use of digital tools used in learning.
This quick ‘at a glance’ tool supports kaiako in thinking about the safe and ethical use of digital tools in our learning and teaching have safety and wellbeing in mind for all involved.
Free download
Digital Engagement and Wellbeing
Taking care of our whole selves (Hauora) as digital users.
Te Whare Tapa Whā, a model developed by Sir Mason Durie, aligns the four walls of the whare (house) as four cornerstones of health and wellbeing.
What we do online and how we engage with devices has an impact on our health and wellbeing. So, it’s important that we’re mindful and intentional in ways that support our whole selves when we use digital devices and online spaces.
We’ve created two poster versions to encourage korero (conversation) around some helpful and healthy ways we can look after whole selves online.
Free Download
Poster 1 Poster 2

7 Key Themes
Available in Reanga Ipurangi Kete
[See website info at top of page]
DEVELOPED to engage ākonga in korero and inquiry that foster critical thinking, as together you explore what’s needed to support safety and wellbeing online.
DESIGNED with upper primary in mind, this has also been used effectively across lower primary and secondary levels.
Themes and resources provide authentic pathways for learning. Plan the learning across the year (seven themes), or adapt to meet arising needs and interests.
The PDF resource can be downloaded, printed, embedded into other online learning platforms, or adapted to suit your context.
Examples of content below

Critical Thinking
Relevant, engaging, intentional and inclusive.
Fostering critical thinking, developing skills, knowledge, and self-review, and promoting positive and safe engagement online.

Rights and Responsibilities
Within this one theme, six inquiry areas are offered for students to unpack rights and responsibilities and look into how these can empower and impact their own lives.

Supplementary Resources
Links to additional resources from leading global online safety organisations are also included for a deeper dive.
Student Voice and Agency
Empowering young people (Year 7 – 11) to critically think about challenges and incidents they may encounter online, and actions they can take.
The tool can be used in a number of ways and is useful in exploring scenarios and proactive responses.
Available in Reanga Ipurangi Kete.
Digital Rights Framework
Research tells us what our young people need to develop resilience, capabilities, and literacies to safely navigate the digital landscape and foster wellbeing.
We’ve synthesised these into a ‘Digital Rights’ Framework for educators of lower primary, upper primary, and secondary levels. These resources are a powerful yet simple way to think about opportunities for students from a ‘Rights’ perspective.
the Year
Secondary Schools
Looking beyond the start-up of a year there’s a whole school year where online safety, citizenship and wellbeing are important.
The focus is on the start-up of a year, and what’s needed to ensure everyone is on the ‘same page’ around rights and responsibilities in the use of digital devices at school and kura.
Available in Reanga Ipurangi Kete. See top of page for access info.
Safety And Wellbeing For All When Working And Learning Offsite
While working and learning takes place from our homes, it is important to consider the safety, privacy and wellbeing of staff and students as we engage online.
This pragmatic guidance provides key considerations around professional safety and practice, equity and the wellbeing of all.
Cyber Chat | Staying Safe and Secure Online
Generation Online and Mindshift and have teamed up to bring you Cyber Chat, a series of short video chats.
Designed with pragmatic ‘how to’ steps and information to support people, as new ways of working and communicating are happening and new risks are emerging.
For those parenting, three Cyber Chats are dedicated to key safety tips and resources, social media and gaming.