Generation Online has partnered with different organisations in projects to raise awareness and make online engagement safer and more secure for those in their sector. 
Want to know more? We’d love to chat.

Life Education and Generation Online have collaborated to produce a PLD webinar for schools across the motu, focusing on digital wellbeing for Life Education’s Nurturing Healthy Minds programme.

Generation Online is excited to announce they have teamed up with Code Avengers to support kura on their journey with the Digital Technology Curriculum, Local Curriculum, and setting up whole-school approaches to learning around digital safety and wellbeing.

Anjie Webster, founder and MoE Accredited Facilitator, also partners with Life Education, Cyclone Computers, Digital Education, and Massey University, undertaking Local Curriculum, DT Curriculum, and wellbeing initiatives. 

Anjie also partners with Q Consult and 3M Learning, as a specialist facilitator in all aspects of digital safety and security, digital and media literacies, resilience and wellbeing online and offline. 

Fostering Student Success and Wellbeing in a Digital Age

Te Pū Tiaki Mana Taonga

A project commissioned specifically for this sector of educators across Aotearoa.

The Digital Toolkit, focuses on professional online safety, and when working with students, and includes content such as: 

– Protecting data & privacy
– Digital safety when working with ākonga and schools
–  Understanding copyright
– Avoiding scams and nasties
– Templates and guidelines 
– Guides for navigating data or online safety incidents at work
– Resources for whānau
– Relevant legislation

Victoria University Professional 

Generation Online partnered with Victoria University Professional, to offer webinars for kaiako.

Child Data, Information and Privacy in Learning Environments

A forum hosted by Nish Chakravarthy from EPIT (Education Partnership and Innovation Trust)

Anjela Webster; Brent Carey, CEO, Netsafe;  Dr. Caroline Keen, Founder, Sociodigital Research;  Rick Shera, Partner, Lowndes Jordan

Navigating Age, Stage and Readiness Online 

Anjie Webster under Netsafe, and David Shanks (Privacy Commissioner 2022)

Commissioned School Resources

Wellington Boys College

Commissioned a learning resource to support students who have breached agreement around the safe and responsible use of digital devices at school.

Instead of a punitive approach, leaders wanted to provide positively focused learning opportunities so students could delve deeper into their role in an incident, its’ impact on self and others, and steps to take to remedy what’s happened.

This resource has been adapted and is available in the new Reanga Ipurangi resource [Resource Website Kete]

St Mary’s College

Commissioned resources that could be used in their ‘Be Mercy’ learning sessions, that would stimulate korero and foster learning around digital wellbeing. 

‘Bite-sized’ evidence-based learning, prompted by powerful images, videos, and questions was the outcome. 

This resource has been adapted and is available as a PPT/Google Slides in the new Reanga Ipurangi resource [Resource Website Kete]

St Pat’s College Silverstream

Commissioned resources to help develop critical thinking, raise awareness, and challenge some of the harmful attitudes and perspectives being portrayed in popular media online. In particular, emerging and viral content that promoted misogynistic, racist, and sexist viewpoints.

A Digital Literacies resource was created that included critical thinking, attitude formation, algorithm design, fake and misleading information, digital footprint, values and empathy.

This resource has been adapted and is available as a PPT/Google Slides in the new Reanga Ipurangi resource [Resource Website Kete]